Transforming Network Infrastructure Industry News

TMCNet: Indian Applicants File Patent Application for a Non Invasive Glucometer for Measuring Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients without Physical... [Indian Patents News]

[June 26, 2013]

Indian Applicants File Patent Application for a Non Invasive Glucometer for Measuring Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients without Physical... [Indian Patents News]

(Indian Patents News Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Indian Applicants File Patent Application for a Non Invasive Glucometer for Measuring Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients without Physical Blood Sample Using NIR (Near Infra Red Light) New Delhi, June 26 -- Antony Aneel Joseph of Mysore, India and Gundu Hirisave Rama Rao filed patent application for a non invasive glucometer for measuring blood glucose levels in diabetic patients without physical blood sample using NIR (near infra red light). The inventors are Antony Aneel Joseph and Gundu Hirisave Rama Rao.

Antony Aneel Joseph and Gundu Hirisave Rama Rao filed the patent application on July 9, 2013. The patent application number is 2756/CHE/2012 A. The international classification number is A61B5/00.

According to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, "Non invasive measurement of blood glucose in diabetic patients by using (Near Infra Red-NIR) NIR- emitter and silicon photo detector with wave length of 100 to 1100 nm. The emitter is an 940nm IR LED and the detector is a photodiode chip with 1100nm wave length. The emitter and the detector are built as a Glucometer which is integrated with a microprocessor and display and power supply, to make an instrument which has a window through which the NIR is emitted where the finger or any body part like earlobe, cheek, finger, wrist can be placed to measure the blood glucose levels. The instrument measures the absorbance of NIR in the blood and displays the readings on the display as ADC (analogue to digital values) which is computed to the blood glucose levels in Mg/dl. and displayed on the instrument or computer screen using proprietary software application." (c) 2013 Athena Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd., distributed by Contify Provided by an company

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Day 3 at Interop ITX 2017, the final day!!

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