Interoute's New Stockholm Cloud Zone Gives Nordic Business a Push
When thinking about the Nordic region—or the Scandinavian region, which actually overlap on several key points but have some critical distinctive points—most don't generally think about high-tech businesses. No, most probably think about trees and skiing and unusual food choices like fish cooked with lye. Interoute is working to help change that by bringing out a new Virtual Data Center (VDC) operation zone in Stockholm, giving the Nordic region access to powerful new computing capability.
This latest VDC is Interoute's 17th such operation worldwide, and the third one it's established this year, preceded by Istanbul and Singapore's new operations. Interoute brought the system to Stockholm following the discovery that there was a great and growing demand for cloud-based operations in the region, a discovery made thanks in large part to Interoute's current operations in that area. It already has offices in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Gothenburg, Oslo, and of course, Stockholm, so it already has at least some understanding of the Nordics' operations in the cloud market.
Indeed, companies like Gunnebo and MedSciNet have found value in cloud-based operations, and especially those offered with Interoute.
Gunnebo, for example, focuses on security products and solutions, and wanted to expand its operations without having to build out its own infrastructure. That's where Interoute's cloud-based options proved particularly effective for the company. MedSciNet, meanwhile, focused on medical science matters like clinical trials, and since it has a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering, a cloud-based system proved particularly helpful in its operations as well.
The Interoute VDC offers a complete enterprise cloud system, designed to be part of the complete Interoute network. Thanks to Interoute's broad reach, it's possible to place data in any of the VDCs currently operating, meaning that users have an exact control over where applications and data are located. Since transfers between zones are free, the system has top-notch versatility, and helps keep costs down besides.
Interoute's chief technical officer, Matthew Finnie, commented, “Cloud is a key driver for digital transformation and digital enterprise growth. Interoute is the first global cloud provider to offer a zone in the Nordic region that offers both public and private cloud on one platform. By opting to provision on the Interoute cloud customers have a foundation to transform their businesses.”
With cloud services in growing demand from customers eager to get access to new services and provide new value for customers, yet not particularly interested in dropping large sums of cash on upgrading infrastructure, being a cloud-based service provider is an excellent field to be in right now. Allowing customers best-of-both-worlds access to services without large additional capital outlays is a tempting prospect, and Interoute is just working to meet a growing demand.
Interoute's expansion efforts make perfect sense in light of a changing market and a clear demand, so there will likely be more VDCs opening up in the near future beyond the Nordic states.
Edited by Alicia Young