Standard Coming Soon for Open Networking Security Testing
In an era of open networking, standards play an integral role. Taking this era of digital transformation a step further, with such a keen focus on data and data-driven decision making it becomes an obvious target for hackers. Thankfully, there are firms out there working developing a standard to protect your network, and the precious data therein.
Today, Spirent announced a collaborative effort to define a new open standard for testing network security performance. Teaming up with top security appliance and services vendors and certification labs, the project will offer insight to create improved industry security metrics.
“Enterprises, service providers and equipment manufacturers have long been asking for a security performance standard that is fair, unbiased and open,” said project lead Brian Monkman of the NetSecOPEN industry group. “NetSecOPEN’s collaboration with industry experts like Spirent addresses this need, and we welcome participation from other major stakeholders to test new practices and methodologies for security device performance.”
Creating an open security performance standard offers myriad benefits for service providers, enterprises and equipment manufacturers including: certification of key performance metrics; more accurate and transparent performance testing; and the provision of test parameters based on real-world scenarios.
“We applaud the efforts of the NetSecOPEN initiative in developing an open standard meeting the needs of the network security industry,” said Erica Johnson, director at UNH-IOL, an independent provider of broad-based testing and standards conformance solutions for the networking industry. “As an unbiased, vendor-neutral lab with expertise in defining certification testing programs for open standards, we are excited to help NetSecOPEN meet their goals.”
Digital transformation is driving change, this we know. But something that will never change is the existence of evil – sad, but true. So, in this data-driven era, as we stride toward an open, software-defined network this type of collaboration Spirent is showcasing is nothing short of exceptional.
Well played, Spirent.
Edited by Maurice Nagle