Transforming Network Infrastructure Industry News

TMCNet: GreenFuel Technologies Corporation - Clean Technology - Deals and Alliances Profile--Aarkstore Enterprise

[January 04, 2010]

GreenFuel Technologies Corporation - Clean Technology - Deals and Alliances Profile--Aarkstore Enterprise

GreenFuel Technologies Corporation (GreenFuel) is a privately held venture-backed firm, engaged in providing alternate energy biofuel. The company is actively participating in transforming exhaust gases from power plants and industrial sites into clean renewable biofuels. GreenFuel is developing algal based emissions-to-Biofuels systems, which recycle Carbon-di-Oxide into biodiesel, ethanol and other products. These algae can be converted to transportation fuels, feed ingredients and also recycle back to a combustion source such as biomass for power generation. Established in the year 2001, GreenFuel a carbon management company uses a portfolio of technologies, as algae bioreactor systems.

GreenFuel Technologies Corporation - Clean Technology - Deals and Alliances Profile is an essential source for company data and information. The profile examines the company’s key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy as well as highlighting the company’s major recent financial deals.

Scope - Provides key company information for business intelligence needs - Gives information on the company’s major recent financial deals including Mergers and Acquisitions, asset transactions, PE/VC deals, equity offerings, debt offerings and partnerships.

- Data is supplemented with details on the company’s history, key executives, business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of products and services and the latest available company statement.

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